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The Course is Incomplete

6 Posts
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Hi Hassan,


Why were there incomplete sections in the course, you did not explain the parameters at all you just read them, I want to know in detail their use and how they affect the output.


Please update your materials 

Posted : 07/19/2023 3:22 am
Hasan Aboul Hasan
Posts: 1127
Member Admin

Hi Heba, which parms you mean? top_p and tempreture? or something else?

Posted : 07/19/2023 9:54 am
Posts: 28
Trusted Member

hmmm...please elaborate guys, I was literally about to hit the buy button for the course. 😶 

Posted : 07/27/2023 12:08 am
Posts: 1089
Noble Member

@ultra99 Go ahead and hit that buy button. The course is complete but some people are having trouble with understanding the basics. I've completed it and it's good plus you get some goodies to help with your AI prompting for nothing extra.

Earnie Boyd, CEO
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Posted : 07/27/2023 2:30 am
Posts: 28
Trusted Member

@ssadvisor thanks for the answer!

Is the discord server up yet?

@admin after taking your course, would it be reasonable to put my title on LinkedIn as sos and so "Prompt Engineer"? 😏 


Looking forward to this AND the API course!

Posted : 07/28/2023 1:29 pm
Hasan Aboul Hasan
Posts: 1127
Member Admin

@ultra99 we are still preparing the discord server. it will be available next month.

I think it is better to use more specific terms related to "AI Automation with Language models and python". as the term prompt engineer is still not clear to many people. 

honestly, I didn't do a research on linked to see how people is dealing with this. what I know is there are many people who don't know what these two words mean.

Posted : 07/29/2023 3:57 pm