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Question about course (Top_p)

2 Posts
2 Users
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Posts: 35
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question here. still I don't understand about Top_p. 
you mentioned about raffle. but still not clear to me.
hope you let me know about this.
p.s already sent email to you. but I think you got many emails from people so that's why you couldn't check my question.
Posted : 07/09/2023 9:34 am
Hasan Aboul Hasan
Posts: 1197
Member Admin

Hi Jay, I replied to your email 4 days ago.

You will definitely become better than me if you keep learning!
As for Top_P:
Imagine you're playing a game where you have to guess the next word in a sentence. Now, think of all the words you know as colorful balls in a big transparent bucket. Some balls (words) make more sense to be the next word in the sentence than others, so they glow more brightly.

Now, when the computer (or language model) plays this guessing game, the Top_P parameter is like a magic net it uses to catch the glowing balls. But this net is special. It only catches a portion of the glow coming from the bucket.

If the Top_P is set to be really small, like 0.1, the computer will only catch the very brightest glowing balls. But if it's larger, like 0.9, the computer might also catch balls that aren't glowing as brightly, giving it more options for the next word.

The important part is that the computer doesn't always just pick the brightest ball. Sometimes, it picks a less glowing ball just to make things more surprising and interesting. This is why when we talk to a computer, sometimes it says things we didn't expect!

Does this help?
Posted : 07/09/2023 2:35 pm
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