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ERROR with Build a Backend With No Code Automation Tool “Make”

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hi Hassan i've gotten through to the end of this video but keep getting the below 'oops page cant be found'.

I tested the webhook in url and it works fine.

Ive copied and pasted your code into the wp snippet, and changed the webhook URL to my one.'

I then entered my wordpress custom endpoint address into the url. but get the below. for the URL, I am using:


Posted : 08/15/2024 10:18 am
Posts: 1139
Noble Member

@paddy what is your "my-wordpress-domain-name" actually. We can review the browser errors from our side.

Earnie Boyd, CEO
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Posted : 08/15/2024 5:03 pm
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Posted : 08/15/2024 10:25 pm
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@paddy It gives me a login first message. I'm willing to discuss this privately on my Slack channel; see my signature.

Earnie Boyd, CEO
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Posted : 08/16/2024 11:47 am
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@sergiousadvisor Hi Earnie I think you are looking at a different page. Did you try this one?

Posted : 08/16/2024 1:15 pm
Posts: 1139
Noble Member

@paddy yes, I get the Oops. The page not being found is due to the fact that your system isn't providing the endpoint for the URL.


Earnie Boyd, CEO
Seasoned Solutions Advisor LLC
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Posted : 08/16/2024 2:18 pm
Hasan Aboul Hasan
Posts: 1206
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@paddy can you please share the code snippets

Posted : 08/23/2024 7:58 am
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@admin Hi Hasan please see below


// Add a custom endpoint 'make-webhook'
add_action('rest_api_init', function () {
    register_rest_route('custom/v1', '/make-webhook/', array(
        'methods' => 'GET', // Adjust methods as needed (GET, POST, etc.)
        'callback' => 'call_make_webhook', // Callback function to handle the request
        'args' => array(
            'topic' => array(
                'required' => true,
                'validate_callback' => function ($param, $request, $key) {
                    return is_string($param);

// Callback function to call the webhook
function call_make_webhook($data) {
    // Retrieve the 'topic' parameter from the request data
    $topic = $data['topic'];

    // Construct the webhook URL with the topic parameter
    $webhook_url = '' . urlencode($topic);

    // Set the timeout duration in seconds
    $timeout = 30;

    // Prepare arguments for the HTTP GET request
    $args = array(
        'timeout' => $timeout,

    // Perform the HTTP GET request to the webhook URL with timeout
    $response = wp_remote_get($webhook_url, $args);

    // Check if the request was successful
    if (is_wp_error($response)) {
        $error_message = $response->get_error_message();
        error_log('HTTP Error: ' . $error_message);
        return new WP_Error('webhook_error', 'Error connecting to webhook');
    } else {
        // Return the body content of the response
        return wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
Posted : 08/23/2024 9:09 am
Hasan Aboul Hasan
Posts: 1206
Member Admin

@paddy I will check when you send me the site details

Posted : 08/23/2024 9:12 am
Hasan Aboul Hasan
Posts: 1206
Member Admin

The problem here is related to caching. When I disabled caching, API endpoints worked. so you may need to exclude the custom API endpoint paths from caching


Posted : 08/24/2024 12:23 pm
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thanks for checking on that Hasan. Where can I exclude the custom endpoint paths from caching?

Posted : 08/25/2024 10:38 pm
Hasan Aboul Hasan
Posts: 1206
Member Admin

@paddy I see you are using litespeed, there must be a place to exclude URLs from cache.

something like:
Litespeed Cache sidebar menu > page optimization > tuning, list your url in “URI Excludes” box.

let me know if you cant find it. I can login to your site again and check.


which hosting service you are using?

and did you install litespeed plugin, or you got it with the hosting?

Posted : 08/28/2024 2:29 pm
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@admin Hi Hasan Lightspeed came with the hostinger subscription.

I found the location as you described. So which URL do I need to list in the 'URI Excludes' box? this one?

Posted : 08/28/2024 9:40 pm
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actually it seems to be working now without having to add the URL to the exclude box.

thanks Hasan

Posted : 08/28/2024 10:15 pm
SSAdvisor reacted
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so now that the wordpress php snippet is connecting to make and the webhook works in the browser, how do I connect the snippet to a front end UI?

Posted : 08/28/2024 10:18 pm
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