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Error - "This System Will Create Viral Posts For You!"

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I followed all the steps outlined in the video but i keep getting an error.

The first Http module contains no output and so i get an error on the Google Docs module as there is nothing to post.

I've attached a screenshot of the error.



Can you help with this please?

Posted : 06/14/2024 4:49 pm
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Some more screenshots

Posted : 06/14/2024 4:57 pm
Hasan Aboul Hasan
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Just open the google doc module, and make sure you set the value from the text aggregator before it

Posted : 06/15/2024 12:01 pm
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@admin Sorry Hasan, I don't understand what you mean. Can you explain further please?

Posted : 06/15/2024 3:09 pm
Hasan Aboul Hasan
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@google-rajsidhu the last module, is the google doc module where you save the generated content, yes?

open it, and make sure the value inside is set correctly to read from the module directly before it, which is the "text aggregator"

Posted : 06/15/2024 3:12 pm
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I don't see where the value is?

Posted : 06/15/2024 3:28 pm
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@admin any ideas Hasan?

Posted : 06/15/2024 5:05 pm
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@rajsidhu check the first HTML element, are you getting a 403 status?

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Posted : 06/16/2024 4:11 am
Hasan Aboul Hasan
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@rajsidhu can you add me to your account? so I can check my self

Posted : 06/16/2024 6:52 am
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I've just added you and sent invite to

Posted : 06/17/2024 2:06 pm
Hasan Aboul Hasan
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@rajsidhu Thanks, I checked, the problem is in the first HTTP method, that is calling YouTube API. you don't have access.

did you generate a YouTube API with google developer console?

Posted : 06/18/2024 10:21 am
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@admin Yes i believe i did generate the YouTube API correctly. I followed your video instructions but i just remember that some of the screens were a bit different to what i was seeing.

Do you have a specific video that shows how to setup the Youtube video?

Posted : 06/18/2024 12:46 pm
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Hi Hasan, here is a screenshot of my api setup. Is this correct?

youtube api1
Posted : 06/18/2024 1:07 pm
Hasan Aboul Hasan
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Please check this guide: How to Get a YouTube API Key [Tutorial + Examples] (

Posted : 06/18/2024 1:42 pm
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@admin I've gone through the video and the whole article and followed the exact step to create another key from scratch and it's still not working.

Can you tell me if i've set up things correctly in the screenshot please?

youtube api2
Posted : 06/18/2024 2:41 pm
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