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Trying to install interactive topic research tool but having issues

2 Posts
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Posts: 2
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2024 07 29 10 39 18 AM

I am in Visual Studio and have installed the latest Python. When I start a new terminal and type in    python - m venv venv I get the following:Python 3.12.4 (tags/v3.12.4:8e8a4ba, Jun 6 2024, 19:30:16) [MSC v.1940 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.


I cannot find any way to correct this . Can someone please help me with this issue. Thanking you in advance 

Posted : 07/29/2024 5:57 pm
Posts: 456
Member Moderator

The "-" and "m" shouldn't have a space between them. Copy the following line, paste it, and try it:

python -m venv venv


Posted : 07/30/2024 8:19 am