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Online Tools using WordPress

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I wan to develop a tool where in I can upload documents and chat with it. How can I develop it.

Posted : 03/07/2024 4:16 am
Posts: 458
Member Moderator

@ravi-shekar Hello, I see you're a power member, make sure you upload any questions on the premium forum where the support is much faster there.

Concerning your question, if I understood correctly you want to build a chatbot and fine-tune it on a set of data. With respect to only a chatbot there is a section in the Prompt Engineering Course in the automation workflows section as I remember, that explains how you can apply that.

And about fine-tuning it on some documents, a simple approach can be the following (GPT generated):

1. Prepare Your Dataset

Your dataset should be in a format that is compatible with OpenAI's requirements. Typically, this involves a JSONL file (JSON Lines format), where each line is a separate JSON object representing a single prompt-response pair. Here’s an example format:


{"prompt": "User question 1", "completion": "Chatbot response 1"}
{"prompt": "User question 2", "completion": "Chatbot response 2"}

2. Upload Your Dataset to OpenAI

Before you can start fine-tuning, you need to upload your dataset to OpenAI. You would typically use the `openai` command-line tool for this purpose:


openai tools fine_tunes.prepare_data -f your_dataset.jsonl

This command will validate your dataset and prepare it for fine-tuning.

### 3. Fine-Tune the Model

Once your dataset is prepared and uploaded, you can initiate the fine-tuning process. This is done by calling the OpenAI API with your dataset to create a new fine-tuned model. You can specify various parameters, such as the base model you're fine-tuning (e.g., `git-3.5-turbo` or another version available at your time of use).

Use the the command-line tool to start the fine-tuning. Here's an example using the command-line interface:


openai api fine_tunes.create -t your_dataset_prepared.jsonl -m base_model_name --n_epochs 4

The `base_model_name` should be replaced with the identifier of the model you're fine-tuning, and you can adjust the number of epochs based on your needs.

4. Test the Fine-Tuned Model

After the fine-tuning process is complete, you'll receive an identifier for your fine-tuned model. You can then use this model with the OpenAI API by specifying its identifier when making requests. Test the model to ensure it meets your expectations and adjust your dataset or fine-tuning parameters as necessary.

Keep in mind that the exact commands and API endpoints may have changed, so it's a good idea to refer to the latest OpenAI API documentation for the most current information.

Posted : 03/07/2024 7:30 am
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