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how to make tool like

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@husein what about if I include it in my AI tools fast API? dos it a problem?
Also I cannot fully understand remove background project. because still I am new to python. So if we ask to generate relevant code from chat GPT, do we need to feed it all the remove background project files one by one to teach him the codes, or is there any other way to ask chat gpt to generate relevant codes by it self?

Posted : 06/16/2024 2:08 pm
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@dassa No need to edit all codes, you can just structure them in a good way and create the custom endpoints for each function to call from the main

If you're still a beginner with python try feeding chatgpt all the functions and codes and ask it to do minimal modification to the code and turn it into an API using fastapi. 

Posted : 06/18/2024 9:06 am
dimu reacted
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@dassa Here's a simple explanation by GPT-4:

  1. Organize Your Code: Ensure that your existing Python code is well-organized into functions and modules. Each function should perform a specific task and should be easily callable.

  2. Create a FastAPI Application:

    • Start by creating a main file for your FastAPI application, commonly named something like or
    • Import FastAPI and create an instance of the FastAPI class.
    from fastapi import FastAPI app = FastAPI()
  3. Integrate Existing Functions:

    • Import the functions from your existing codebase into the FastAPI application.
    • Create API endpoints that correspond to the functions you want to expose. Each endpoint will wrap a function from your code.
    from your_existing_module import your_function @app.get("/function-endpoint") def function_endpoint(): result = your_function() return {"result": result}
  4. Handle Dependencies:

    • If your functions have dependencies or require initial setup, make sure this is handled before they are called in the API endpoints. You can use FastAPI's dependency injection system or ensure that any necessary setup is performed within the functions themselves.
  5. Run Your FastAPI Application:

    • Use a command to run your FastAPI application. Typically, this is done using Uvicorn, an ASGI server.
    uvicorn app:app --reload # This command runs the app with hot reload
  6. Test Your API:

    • Once your FastAPI application is running, you can test the API endpoints using tools like cURL, Postman, or directly through the browser (for GET requests).

By structuring your application this way, you minimize changes to your existing code and leverage FastAPI to provide a web interface to your functionalities. This approach is efficient and allows you to maintain the separation of concerns between your business logic (existing Python code) and your web interface (FastAPI endpoints).

Posted : 06/18/2024 9:08 am
dimu reacted
Hasan Aboul Hasan
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@dassa yes you can turn this into an API endpoint using fast API.

Posted : 06/18/2024 10:28 am
dimu reacted
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