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How to Create AI Tools in WordPress in 5 Minutes ?

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@admin Are those prompts that you use to create that code available?

Posted : 09/01/2023 7:32 pm
Posts: 13
Active Member Customer


Unfortunately, I was disorganized while creating the tools. I must have sent the request during an unrelated chat session because I can't locate the prompts in my ChatGPT history. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Posted : 09/01/2023 8:17 pm
Hasan Aboul Hasan
Posts: 1208
Member Admin

@techprieto I am testing and optimizing some prompts, I will add to the prompts library when done.

Posted : 09/02/2023 10:29 am
Hasan Aboul Hasan
Posts: 1208
Member Admin

@michael-brannon no worries

Posted : 09/02/2023 10:29 am
Posts: 5
Active Member

hi am trying to create a a.i tool just like the one on your website "YouTube Title Generator" but i keep runinng into problems like the code not running pls help

Posted : 03/12/2024 3:41 pm
Posts: 1139
Noble Member

@emma2023 you've got to help us help you. You don't give any information that is relevant to your problem. Please give a screenshot of your results so we can better determine the problems. Also, are you registered for the classes?  If so then please use the Premium Forum to ask your questions.

Earnie Boyd, CEO
Seasoned Solutions Advisor LLC
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Posted : 03/12/2024 8:17 pm
Hasan Aboul Hasan
Posts: 1208
Member Admin

@michael-brannon Great!

but the link you sent is not the tool

Posted : 03/13/2024 9:01 am
Posts: 5
Active Member


this is the code re-writing by chatgpt

Screenshot (1)


<div id="text-generation-tool">
<input type="text" id="topic" placeholder="Your Topic...">
<select id="description">
<option value="">Select Description...</option>
<option value="tutorial">Tutorial</option>
<option value="review">Review</option>
<option value="analysis">Analysis</option>
<button id="generate-button">Generate Story!</button>
<div id="result-container" style="display: none;">
<div class="result-wrapper">
<div class="result-content">
<textarea id="result" readonly></textarea>
<div class="copy-button-container">
<button id="copy-button">Copy</button>
<div id="loading" class="loader" style="display: none;"></div>

/* Basic styles for the text generation tool */
#text-generation-tool {
width: 100%;
max-width: 600px;
margin: 0 auto;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

#topic, #description {
width: calc(100% - 30px);
padding: 15px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
font-size: 16px;
border-radius: 5px;
border: 1px solid #ddd;

#generate-button {
display: block;
width: 100%;
padding: 15px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
font-size: 16px;
border: none;
border-radius: 5px;
color: #fff;
background-color: #3498db;
cursor: pointer;
transition: background-color 0.3s ease;

#generate-button:hover {
background-color: #2980b9;

#result-container {
display: none;
margin-bottom: 20px;

.result-wrapper {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;

.result-content {
display: flex;

#result {
flex: 1;
height: 400px;
padding: 15px;
font-size: 16px;
border-radius: 5px;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
background-color: #f9f9f9;

.copy-button-container {
margin-top: 10px;
text-align: right;

#copy-button {
padding: 8px 12px;
font-size: 14px;
border: none;
border-radius: 5px;
color: #fff;
background-color: #3498db;
cursor: pointer;
transition: background-color 0.3s ease;

#copy-button:hover {
background-color: #2980b9;

/* CSS for the loader */
.loader {
display: block;
margin: 50px auto;
border: 16px solid #f3f3f3; /* Light grey */
border-top: 16px solid #3498db; /* Blue */
border-radius: 50%;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
animation: spin 1s linear infinite;

@keyframes spin {
0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }

document.getElementById("generate-button").addEventListener("click", function(e){

var topic = document.getElementById('topic').value;
var description = document.getElementById('description').value;
if (!description) {
alert("Please select a description.");
var prompt = "Generate 5 " " " + description "youtube video title on " + topic;

var generateButton = document.getElementById("generate-button");

if (generateButton.disabled) {
return; // Prevent multiple clicks while content is being generated

generateButton.disabled = true;

var loading = document.getElementById('loading');
var result = document.getElementById('result');
var resultC = document.getElementById('result-container'); = 'block'; = 'none'; // hide result textarea = 'none';

var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('action', 'openai_generate_text');
formData.append('prompt', prompt);

fetch('/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', {
method: 'POST',
body: formData
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => { = 'none';
if(data.success) {
result.value =[0].message.content; = 'block'; // show result textarea = 'block';
generateButton.disabled = false;
} else {
result.value = 'An error occurred: ' +; = 'block'; // show result textarea = 'block';
generateButton.disabled = false;
.catch(error => { = 'none';
result.value = 'An error occurred: ' + error.message; = 'block'; // show result textarea = 'block';
generateButton.disabled = false;

var copyButton = document.getElementById('copy-button');
copyButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
var result = document.getElementById('result');;
alert('Copied to clipboard!');

Posted : 03/13/2024 10:30 am
Posts: 1139
Noble Member

@emma2023 when sharing code please use the code icon (<>) above so that the indentation remains in effect. Also give a link to the website if possible so we don't mistype it from the screenshot. Have you used the "inspect" option of your browser? "Left click" the page and choose inspect in the menu options. Sometimes you can find errors this way.

Earnie Boyd, CEO
Seasoned Solutions Advisor LLC
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Posted : 03/13/2024 11:55 am
Posts: 5
Active Member

@ssadvisor this is the link to the web page

and have not use the inspect option of my browser i will try that now

Posted : 03/13/2024 1:29 pm
Hasan Aboul Hasan
Posts: 1208
Member Admin

@emma2023 do you have active OpenAI Subscribtion? with the api key set?

Posted : 03/14/2024 6:59 am
Posts: 5
Active Member

@admin no but am using the free plan and i have an api key set

Posted : 03/14/2024 9:00 am
Posts: 1139
Noble Member

@emma2023 you cannot use the OpenAI API unless you have paid to use it. As of this month you need to pre-purchase token credits to use the API.

Earnie Boyd, CEO
Seasoned Solutions Advisor LLC
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Posted : 03/14/2024 2:18 pm
Posts: 1139
Noble Member

@emma2023 here is the error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: generateTitle is not defined
    at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (youtube-title-generator/:283:47)

Earnie Boyd, CEO
Seasoned Solutions Advisor LLC
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Posted : 03/14/2024 2:22 pm
Posts: 5
Active Member


Thanks but how will I fix it

Posted : 03/17/2024 9:50 am
Posts: 464
Member Moderator

@emma2023 You need to buy tokens from OpenAI's website, then you could use their API until the tokens are finished, so you purchase again depending on how much you use.

Posted : 03/17/2024 12:34 pm
Posts: 2
Active Member

I have the code in WP code snippet and also have created the page and copied the UI code. But when I run the code it throws error "Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again.". Am I missing something?

Posted : 03/22/2024 3:36 am
Posts: 464
Member Moderator

@google-prateeksenapati Please provide more details about which code you are using (I see you arent a Power Member, so which code are you referring to)

Posted : 03/22/2024 8:06 am
Posts: 1139
Noble Member

@google-prateeksenapati did you change the URL in the JS code?

Earnie Boyd, CEO
Seasoned Solutions Advisor LLC
Schedule 1-on-1 help
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Posted : 03/22/2024 1:14 pm
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