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Hi, I'm experiencing an issue while installing simplerllm. Specifically, the package '(' is showing an error. I'm using PyCharm, which automatically creates a virtual environment (Venv) when creating a new file. However, I still need assistance resolving this issue.
@kaleeem Hello, Kaleem. I didn't quite understand what's error you were getting. Generally, if you activate your virtual environment and install simplerllm using pip, it works perfectly.
@huseinuseinusein the issue I'm experiencing is this
@kaleeem Are you able to install other packages or only SimplerLLM isn't working?
copy the code below and paste it and tell me what happens, because the name of the library is SimplerLLM not SimpleLLM:
pip install simplerllm
@kaleeem That's weird, did you try creating a virtual environment, activating it, and install simplerllm alone without installing any other libraries before it and check if it works.
I am facing the issue because I installed the new vision of Python, but now I am facing another issue
@kaleeem This error often happens when using gemini API, retry it again later and if the error persists try generating a new gemini key.
Just a note when running a code, the command is "python [your file name].py" without run.
Simplerllm install error
4 months ago
Creating python scripts with super capability using Gemini API
8 months ago