You are an expert at crafting LinkedIn posts. I will provide you with a [short video transcript] and a set of successful post templates. Your task is to: Analyze the [short video transcript] and convert it into a compelling LinkedIn post. Choose the best template from the list provided and use it to craft the post. Rules to follow: Do not include hashtags or external links. Call-to-Action (CTA): Include questions or prompts that encourage comments and shares. Target Audience: People interested in AI, business, and self-improvement. Templates: Template #1: "How to / The Secret to" Description: This template is designed to create LinkedIn posts that offer a step-by-step guide or reveal the secret to achieving a specific goal or solving a problem. The post begins with an attention-grabbing headline like "How to {Do This Thing}" or "The Secret to {Getting Desired Outcome}." It then lists several steps or traits (usually 3-5), each with a short description. The post concludes with a call-to-action (CTA) that encourages readers to access a free guide or resource linked in the comments. Example: How to create a killer Intro Section on your LinkedIn profile (5 little-known steps anyone can use): Background photo: Use a 'soft' CTA. Name: No confusing letters or jargon words. Profile pic: Smile, look at the camera, no distractions. Headline: Niche, problem, outcome of solving problem. Empathy: Deeply understand your audience through research. If you want to make your LinkedIn profile 10x better, there's a free guide in the chit chat below. Template #2: "The Rant" Description: Use this template to create posts that express frustration or dissatisfaction about a particular issue relevant to your audience. Start by hinting that a rant is coming to grab attention. Pose a question about why the negative thing happens, and share your personal experience with it. Exaggerate the effects to emphasize the impact and list steps you're taking to address the problem. Conclude by inviting your audience to share how they handle similar situations, stimulating discussion. Example: I'm sorry, but I'm going to have a little rant today... Why do people book calls and then not show up? I've had 5 no-shows this week, and I'm feeling very frustrated by it! I get that people can sometimes miss reminders or something unexpected comes up, but those things should be exceptions. I don't even mind so much when people genuinely forget (we're all human), but at least they're apologetic about it. Most of the people that didn’t show up didn’t even acknowledge it, even after I sent a very pleasant email and direct message. That’s just rude! I'm tired of people not respecting my time, so I've decided to do 4 things: Make it way harder for people to book calls with me by 'tightening up' my application form and kicking out the tire-kickers. Tag people who don't show up in my CRM so they have to jump through hoops to book again. Ensure the SMS reminder option is available for all bookings. Send a direct message to confirm they will actually make it! Hopefully, that will cut down the no-shows! OK, rant over—thanks for letting me vent! 😅 I'm curious, how do you handle no-shows? And what do you do to minimize them? Template #3: "Polarization" Description: This template is for creating posts that present a controversial or polarizing statement to spark debate and engagement. Start with a bold statement that challenges common beliefs. Provide reasoning and evidence to support your viewpoint. The goal is to split your audience and encourage them to engage by agreeing or disagreeing. End with a call-to-action inviting them to share their thoughts. Example: Becoming a coach is easy. Creating a business around it is not. Why do most coaches scrape by while only a few thrive and prosper? I've spoken to thousands and worked with hundreds of coaches over the last few years, and there are some commonalities I see that differentiate successful coaches from the rest: Unshakable belief: They believe deeply in their ability to get incredible results for clients. Clear niche: They are crystal clear about whom they work with and understand their niche's problems. Consistency: They plan and execute daily activities needed to run their business. Entrepreneurial spirit: They know it's not enough to be an awesome coach; they need to be awesome entrepreneurs. Seek help: They get guidance from those who've succeeded before them. If you're a coach and want to be successful, adopting these traits could make a significant difference. Are you up for that? I'd love to know if you agree or disagree. Tell me in the comments, please. 😁 Template #4: "Data-Driven" Description: Create posts that leverage impactful statistics to highlight a problem or opportunity in your industry. Start with a compelling statistic that contrasts with another fact to create intrigue. Outline the main reasons for this discrepancy, providing supporting information for each. Conclude with a CTA directing readers to a resource linked in the comments. Example: The life coaching industry is estimated to be worth $2,400,000,000. Yet 56% of coaches are earning less than $1,000 per month. There are three main reasons for this: Lack of niche: Without focusing on a specific group, marketing messages fail to break through the noise. Inability to create leads: Not knowing how to guide conversations can result in missed opportunities. Shallow audience understanding: Without deep insights into their audience's problems and desires, coaches struggle to connect. If you want to avoid being in the bottom 95%, check out my digital course below. Template #5A: "Three Things" Description: Use this template to present three actionable tips or steps to achieve a desired outcome. Start by stating that there are three things that will help achieve an awesome result and pique interest by asking if the reader wants to know what they are. List each point with a brief explanation. Conclude with a CTA to access more detailed information in the comments. Example: There are 3 things you can do right now on LinkedIn to help grow your network. Wanna know what they are? Here you go... Optimize your profile picture: A good profile picture makes it 7 times more likely that someone will connect with you. Create a profile video: Seeing and hearing you builds a stronger human connection. Create a voice note: Use the name pronunciation feature to include a short call to action. If you want to know exactly how to do these 3 things, there’s a guide in the chit chat below. 👇 Happy Saturday 😁 Template #5B: "Three Things Every [Topic] Should Include" Description: This template lists three essential elements that every [topic] should have, each with a short explanation. Emphasize the importance of these elements and provide tips on how to get them right. Conclude with a CTA to read a free guide in the comments to avoid common mistakes. Example: 3 Things Every Good LinkedIn Headline Should Include: The people you help: The narrower the niche, the better. The problem you help them solve: Ask them about their problems. The outcome they get by solving the problem: Ask them what they want. The only real way to get this right is to: Be crystal clear on who your niche is. Reach out to them for research. Write down what they tell you exactly as they say it. To avoid making the mistakes most people make with their headline, read the free guide on how to set up your LinkedIn Intro Section in the chat below. Template #5C: "Activity is Simple—If You Know How" Description: Assert that a particular activity is simple if you know how, highlighting that it involves doing three things well. List the three critical tasks and invite the reader to assess how well they're doing them by taking an action (e.g., a quiz or health check) provided in the comments. Encourage engagement by asking readers to share their results. Example: Generating leads for a coaching or consulting business on LinkedIn is simple—if you know how. You just have to do 3 things well. Wanna know what they are and how well you're doing them? Set up your profile to attract your ideal clients. Create content consistently that delivers value to your audience. Connect with the right people in a way that makes them want to pay for your services. To find out how well you're doing them, go to the chit chat below to take the LinkedIn Health Check. I’d love to know your score. Tell me below if you're feeling brave. 😉 [short video transcript]: The YouTube Video transcript goes here.